Who is Suraksha Thapa? Why Does She Need Justice

Who is Suraksha Thapa?
Suraksha Thapa

She is Suraksha Thapa who shared her problems through TikTok and said: Hello everyone I am Suraksha Thapa from P.U (Pokhara University). Today I am sharing my problems with you so that you will understand my pain. #JUSTICEFORSURAKSHYATHAPA

What Happened Suraksha Thapa?

  1. Earlier I had a lot of family problems so I had depression and anxiety. So my doctor suggested I stay in a quiet and peaceful place so my mother’s brother and his wife asked me to stay at their place and I discussed it with my mother and finally, my mother agreed because our family relationship was good but suddenly my brother (mother’s brother’s son) said to me “your bubs are too big so I call you b*obsi” and that moment I felt very bad and day by day I was getting sick like before and I used to call my mom every day. Ask him to come but he was busy so he didn’t get a chance to come.
  2. I forgave him thinking that he is my brother so I should give him a chance and told him and requested him not to call me by that name but even the next day when no one was home he came and sat next to me. And called me that name again “Bo*bsy” and touched my boobs and I ran away. The next day also he started touching my body and I couldn’t handle it and I started cutting my wrist because I had suicidal thoughts but because of fear I couldn’t and I couldn’t tell my parents. (my mother’s brother and his wife) because my mother’s brother (his father) used to say that there is no one as innocent and good as his son Blabla so I knew he would not believe me.
  3. My health deteriorated so I went to the hospital saying that I can’t stay at my uncle’s house anymore my mother went to my uncle’s house to get my school uniform and my mother’s brother’s wife and daughter scolded my mother. Not only that, but in the afternoon my mother’s brother called me and warned me “I will kill you wherever I see you”. Because of all these traumas, I am not doing well in my present life and in my studies.
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Surakshya Thapa Story


In Nepal, sexual abuse is prohibited by law and is punishable by imprisonment and fines. The main legislation governing sexual abuse is the “Rape and Sexual Offences Act 2017”. The law defines sexual abuse as any unwanted sexual act or attempts to engage in such acts, including rape, sexual assault, sexual harassment, and exploitation.

The law mandates that all forms of sexual abuse, including marital rape, be treated as criminal offenses. The law also provides protection for victims, including the right to anonymity during legal proceedings and access to medical and legal assistance.

Perpetrators of sexual abuse can face up to 20 years in prison and fines of up to 500,000 Nepalese Rupees (approximately $4,300 USD). The punishment can be more severe if the victim is a child or if the abuse leads to the victim’s death or disability.

The government has established various mechanisms for reporting sexual abuse, such as the National Women’s Commission and the Police Women and Children Service Center, and has provided training to law enforcement and judicial officials to improve the handling of such cases. Despite these efforts, however, sexual abuse remains a significant problem in Nepal, particularly in rural areas, and further action is needed to ensure justice for victims and prevent future occurrences.

🔺सुरक्षा थापा लेख्छिन

उनी हुन् सुरक्षा थापा जसले टिकटक मार्फत आफ्ना समस्याहरू साझा गर्दै भनिन्: सबैलाई नमस्ते म P.U (पोखरा विश्वविद्यालय) बाट सुरक्षा थापा हुँ। आज म तपाईहरु संग मेरो समस्याहरु साझा गर्दैछु ताकि तपाईले मेरो पीडा बुझ्नुहुनेछ। उनी लेख्छन्:

  1. पहिले मलाई पारिवारिक समस्याहरू धेरै थिए त्यसैले मलाई डिप्रेसन र चिन्ता थियो। त्यसैले मेरो डाक्टरले मलाई शान्त र शान्त ठाउँमा बस्न सुझाव दिनुभयो त्यसैले मेरी आमाको भाइ र उहाँकी श्रीमतीले मलाई उनीहरूको ठाउँमा बस्न भन्नुभयो र मैले मेरी आमासँग छलफल गरें र अन्तमा मेरी आमा सहमत भए किनभने हाम्रो पारिवारिक सम्बन्ध राम्रो थियो तर अचानक मेरो भाइ ( आमाको भाइ छोरा)ले मलाई “तिम्रो बुब्स धेरै ठुलो छ त्यसैले म तिमीलाई बुब्सी भनेर बोलाउछु” भन्यो र त्यो पल मलाई धेरै नराम्रो लाग्यो र दिन प्रतिदिन म पहिले जस्तै बिरामी हुँदै गए र म हरेक दिन आमालाई फोन गर्थें। उहाँलाई आउन भन्नुहोस् तर उहाँ व्यस्त हुनुहुन्थ्यो त्यसैले उहाँले आउन मौका पाउन सकेन।
  2. मैले उसलाई मेरो भाइ हो भनी सोचेर माफ गरें त्यसैले मैले उसलाई मौका दिनु पर्छ र उसलाई भनेको थिएँ र मलाई त्यो नामले नबोलाउन अनुरोध गरें तर भोलिपल्ट पनि घरमा कोही नभएको बेला ऊ आएर छेउमा बस्यो। मलाई र मलाई फेरि त्यो नाम “बूब्सी” ले बोलाए र मेरो बुब्स छोए र म त्यहाँबाट दौडे। भोलिपल्ट पनि उसले मेरो शरीर छुन थाल्यो र मैले त्यो सम्हाल्न सकिन र मेरो हातमा आत्मघाती सोच पनि आयो भनेर नाडी काट्न थालें तर डरले गर्दा मैले सकिन र आमाबुवालाई बताउन पनि सकिन । (मेरी आमाको भाइ र उसको श्रीमती) किनकि मेरी आमाको भाइ (उहाँको बुबा) ले भन्नुहुन्थ्यो कि उनको छोरा ब्लाबला जस्तो निर्दोष र राम्रो कोही छैन त्यसैले मलाई थाहा थियो कि उसले मलाई विश्वास गर्दैन।
  3. मेरो स्वास्थ्य बिग्रियो त्यसैले म अब मेरो मामाको घरमा बस्न नसक्ने भन्दै अस्पताल गएँ र मेरी आमा मेरो स्कूलको पोशाक ल्याउन मेरो मामाको घरमा गइन् र मेरी आमाको भाइ श्रीमती र छोरीले आमालाई गाली गरे। त्यति मात्र होइन दिउँसो मेरी आमाको भाइले मलाई फोन गरेर चेतावनी दिनुभयो “जहाँ देख्छु म तिमीलाई मार्नेछु”। यी सबै आघातको कारणले गर्दा म मेरो वर्तमान जीवन र मेरो अध्ययनमा राम्रो गरिरहेको छैन।
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