10 Ten Things To Advoid On Face/health skin care Tips -मुखमा लगाउन नहुने 10 वटा कुराहरू यस्तो छ।

 मुखमा लगाउन नहुने १० वटा कुराहरु: 

10_Ten Things To Advoid On Face/health skin beauty care-मुखमा लगाउन नहुने 10 वटा  कुराहरू यस्तो छ।

1. Bath soap and hair shampoo:

10_Ten Things To Advoid On Face/मुखमा लगाउन नहुने 10 वटा  कुराहरू यस्तो छ।

It contains sulfate and sodium. It removes a lot of fumes and accumulated dirt and oil from soaps and shampoos, but if the same substance gets into the mouth, it greatly reduces the moisture in our mouths and makes our skin very dry.

2Hot water / cold water:

10_Ten Things To Advoid On Face/मुखमा लगाउन नहुने 10 वटा  कुराहरू यस्तो छ।

Especially in the winter season when we get up in the morning and wash our face with very hot water and do face wash, it also reduces the moisture in our skin and at the same time it plays a big role in disturbing the skin piercings. Similarly, we should not wash our face with very cold water, so we can take hot water and steam of hot water, but it does not have much effect. But remember that very hot water should not be put in the mouth.

3. Ointment containing steroids:

10_Ten Things To Advoid On Face/मुखमा लगाउन नहुने 10 वटा  कुराहरू यस्तो छ।
When we use steroid creams in the mouth, we have to adopt many solutions. This is because if you take steroids for a long time, it will make the skin of the mouth thinner and also make the skin sensitive. And another is that the mouth becomes red when it sees the veins of blood. Sometimes we even look around. Redness of the cheeks on both sides is a major cause of side effects due to excessive use of steroids, excessive use of skin allergens, herpes and especially in pregnant women. Therefore, use only according to the doctor’s advice.

4Lemon juice:

10_Ten Things To Advoid On Face/मुखमा लगाउन नहुने 10 वटा  कुराहरू यस्तो छ।
Lemon juice is high in vitamin C. It does a great job with food. But if the same kagati juice falls in the mouth ….. can have a negative effect. It greatly reduces skin irritation. Normal skin peels are four and a half to six. But the acetylsalicylic acid in kagati juice makes the skin very sensitive. Lemon juice is good to eat but not on the face.

5.Body lotion and moisturizer:

10_Ten Things To Advoid On Face/मुखमा लगाउन नहुने 10 वटा  कुराहरू यस्तो छ।
We sometimes apply the moisturizer lotion on the face after applying the body lotion for a while, but it has a negative effect on our face. Body lotions contain a lot of hard substances for thin skin of the mouth. They also contain substances called preglance. It is good to use lotion on both body and mouth as it has a bad effect on the face.

6.Coconut oil:

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Many people apply coconut oil on their body. Coconut oil is especially beneficial for those with dry skin. Dermatologists encourage you to do the same. However, it is not recommended to apply coconut oil on the face, especially on the face, dandruff, oily skin and oily face. Coconut oil tends to be a bit thicker for the mouth, it closes the holes of the oil glands in our mouth so that the glands inside cannot come out and dandruff comes.

7.Deodorant, perfume and hair spray:

10_Ten Things To Advoid On Face/मुखमा लगाउन नहुने 10 वटा  कुराहरू यस्तो छ।
This is usually done by applying perfume when you sweat a lot in summer. Some people even use deodorant on their face. Some people even apply hair spray on their face to save more makeup. But such liquids contain a kind of affective substance, which blocks the oil glands in our face and cannot come out. As a result, more dandruff occurs in people who have dandruff. So such things should not be put in the mouth.

8.Hair color:

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Nowadays, everyone likes to color their hair. Some people even color their hair and eyebrows. It also contains a type of allergen. Due to that, it causes eye itching and ripening disease. So don’t forget these things.

9. Toothpaste:

10_Ten Things To Advoid On Face/मुखमा लगाउन नहुने 10 वटा  कुराहरू यस्तो छ।
People seem to use toothpaste for dandruff. Applying toothpaste on the affected area increases the melanin in the skin and black spots appear on the skin. It can cause long lasting scars on the skin so don’t put these things on our skin.
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